Argh we've had lurgy in the house....:(
Had a lovely day meeting some other mummies and babies but one of the little ones passed on hand, foot and mouth disease to Harry so he has been poorly. Horrid, starts with a fever, sore throat and achyness, then you get spots on your hands, feet and sometimes then mouth which turn to mouth ulcers. I think he skipped the latter and is much better thank goodness. I have a nasty sore throat and had a dreadful fever yesterday and on Tues night, but feel much better today.
So the 'van has gone by the wayside a bit but Simon managed to spend 24 hours in her last week (yes, he slept in her, woo hoo!) doing the vital stuff needed so we can have a weekend in her next weekend. She won't look pretty yet but she is cool, so we need to find somewhere to trundle off to - 'cited!