Tuesday, 11 January 2011

latest stage...!

So the CRB forms are here and I am probably about 8/9 weeks off being a registered childminder. 'Cited! I have a second hand Maclaren Double buggy, am looking for an offroad type affair too. Am looking for a toddler table and chairs for crafts and lunch etc, and then I will feel a bit more prepared.
Mentally I am there. I think. :)

Friday, 7 January 2011

Neglected, oops

I haven't posted in nearly two months. Forgive me, I have sinned. Actually I haven't, I've just been stupid busy and Facebook is by far the easier social scene to dip into. Will try harder though.

Childminder registration under way, CRB checks about to be done, will be registered in March I hope, did my ChIP course in December and loved it (bit odd, me).

Business name: Aunty Sarah... tee hee. A friend is going to sort my logo out - despite my Graphic Design degree I just don't have the time or inclination to be creative.

What else. Harry is good, illnesses aside and teething of course. Hubby and dog same old but happy (I think!?).

That's us!
